5 Replicate Layout
Mitja Nemec edited this page 2020-03-30 16:56:22 +02:00

Documentation for Replicate Layout action plugin

Example schematics hierarchy

Example project consist of three full bridges and one half bridge. Each full bridge consists of two half bridges and one current sensor.

root (multiple_hierarhy.sch)
    Leg1 (Leg.sch) - full bridge
        Power+ (Power.sch) - half bridge
        Sensor (Sensor.sch) - current sensor
        Power- (Power.sch) - half bridge
    Leg2 (Leg.sch) - full bridge
        Power+ (Power.sch) - half bridge
        Sensor (Sensor.sch) - current sensor
        Power- (Power.sch) - half bridge
    Leg3 (Leg.sch) - full bridge
        Power+ (Power.sch) - half bridge
        Sensor (Sensor.sch) - current sensor
        Power- (Power.sch) - half bridge
    Power_extra (Power.sch)