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* Copyright (c) 2022, Nations Technologies Inc.
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*\*\file n32g430_can.h
*\*\author Nations
*\*\version v1.0.2
*\*\copyright Copyright (c) 2022, Nations Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __N32G430_CAN_H__
#define __N32G430_CAN_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "n32g430.h"
/** CAN init structure definition **/
typedef struct
uint16_t BaudRatePrescaler; /* Specifies the length of a time quantum. */
uint8_t OperatingMode; /* Specifies the CAN operating mode. */
uint8_t RSJW; /* Specifies the maximum number of time quanta
the CAN hardware is allowed to lengthen or
shorten a bit to perform resynchronization. */
uint8_t TBS1; /* Specifies the number of time quanta in Bit Segment 1. */
uint8_t TBS2; /* Specifies the number of time quanta in Bit Segment 2. */
FunctionalState TTCM; /* Enable or disable the time triggered communication mode. */
FunctionalState ABOM; /* Enable or disable the automatic bus-off management. */
FunctionalState AWKUM; /* Enable or disable the automatic wake-up mode. */
FunctionalState NART; /* Enable or disable the no-automatic retransmission mode. */
FunctionalState RFLM; /* Enable or disable the Receive DATFIFO Locked mode. */
FunctionalState TXFP; /* Enable or disable the transmit DATFIFO priority. */
} CAN_InitType;
/** CAN filter init structure definition **/
typedef struct
uint16_t Filter_HighId; /* Specifies the filter identification number (MSBs for a 32-bit
configuration, first one for a 16-bit configuration). */
uint16_t Filter_LowId; /* Specifies the filter identification number (LSBs for a 32-bit
configuration, second one for a 16-bit configuration). */
uint16_t FilterMask_HighId; /* Specifies the filter mask number or identification number,
according to the mode (MSBs for a 32-bit configuration,
first one for a 16-bit configuration). */
uint16_t FilterMask_LowId; /* Specifies the filter mask number or identification number,
according to the mode (LSBs for a 32-bit configuration,
second one for a 16-bit configuration). */
uint16_t Filter_FIFOAssignment; /* Specifies the DATFIFO (0 or 1) which will be assigned to the filter. */
uint8_t Filter_Num; /* Specifies the filter which will be initialized. */
uint8_t Filter_Mode; /* Specifies the filter mode to be initialized. */
uint8_t Filter_Scale; /* Specifies the filter scale. */
FunctionalState Filter_Act; /* Enable or disable the filter. */
} CAN_FilterInitType;
/** CAN Tx message structure definition **/
typedef struct
uint32_t StdId; /* Specifies the standard identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x7FF. */
uint32_t ExtId; /* Specifies the extended identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */
uint8_t IDE; /* Specifies the type of identifier for the message that
will be transmitted. This parameter can be a value
of @ref CAN_identifier_type */
uint8_t RTR; /* Specifies the type of frame for the message that will
be transmitted. This parameter can be a value of
@ref CAN_remote_transmission_request */
uint8_t DLC; /* Specifies the length of the frame that will be
transmitted. This parameter can be a value between
0 to 8 */
uint8_t Data[8]; /* Contains the data to be transmitted. It ranges from 0
to 0xFF. */
} CanTxMessage;
/** CAN Rx message structure definition **/
typedef struct
uint32_t StdId; /* Specifies the standard identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x7FF. */
uint32_t ExtId; /* Specifies the extended identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */
uint8_t IDE; /* Specifies the type of identifier for the message that
will be received. */
uint8_t RTR; /* Specifies the type of frame for the received message. */
uint8_t DLC; /* Specifies the length of the frame that will be received.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 8 */
uint8_t Data[8]; /* Contains the data to be received. It ranges from 0 to
0xFF. */
uint8_t FMI; /* Specifies the index of the filter the message stored in
the mailbox passes through. This parameter can be a
value between 0 to 0xFF */
} CanRxMessage;
typedef enum
CAN_STS_Failed = 0,
} CAN_Status;
typedef enum
CAN_TXSTS_FAILED = 0, /* CAN transmission failed */
CAN_TXSTS_OK, /* CAN transmission succeeded */
CAN_TXSTS_PENDING /* CAN transmission pending */
} CAN_Tx_Status;
/** CAN Master Control Register bits **/
#define CAN_INIT_REQUEST (CAN_MCTRL_INIRQ) /* Initialization Request */
#define CAN_SLEEP_REQUEST (CAN_MCTRL_SLPRQ) /* Sleep Mode Request */
#define CAN_TX_FIFO_PRIO (CAN_MCTRL_TXFP) /* Transmit DATFIFO Priority */
#define CAN_RX_FIFO_LOCKED (CAN_MCTRL_RFLM) /* Receive DATFIFO Locked Mode */
#define CAN_AUTO_RETRANS_OFF (CAN_MCTRL_NART) /* No Automatic Retransmission */
#define CAN_AUTO_WAKE_UP (CAN_MCTRL_AWKUM) /* Automatic Wakeup Mode */
#define CAN_AUTO_BUS_OFF (CAN_MCTRL_ABOM) /* Automatic Bus-Off Management */
#define CAN_TIME_TRI_MODE (CAN_MCTRL_TTCM) /* Time Triggered Communication Mode */
#define CAN_DEBUG_FREEZE (CAN_MCTRL_DBGF) /* Debug freeze */
#define CAN_SW_MASTER_RESET (CAN_MCTRL_MRST) /* software master reset */
/** CAN Master status Register bits **/
#define CAN_INIT_WAIT (CAN_MSTS_INIAK) /* Initialization Acknowledge */
#define CAN_SLEEP_WAIT (CAN_MSTS_SLPAK) /* Sleep Acknowledge */
#define CAN_ERROR_INT (CAN_MSTS_ERRINT) /* Error Interrupt */
#define CAN_WAKE_UP_INT (CAN_MSTS_WKUINT) /* Wakeup Interrupt */
#define CAN_SLEEP_WAITINT (CAN_MSTS_SLAKINT) /* Sleep Acknowledge Interrupt */
#define CAN_TX_MODE (CAN_MSTS_TXMD) /* Transmit Mode */
#define CAN_RX_MODE (CAN_MSTS_RXMD) /* Receive Mode */
#define CAN_LAST_SAMPLE_POINT (CAN_MSTS_LSMP) /* Last Sample Point */
#define CAN_RX_SIGNAL (CAN_MSTS_RXS) /* CAN Rx Signal */
/** CAN mailbox data length control and time stamp register bits **/
#define CAN_TX_GLOBAL_TIME0 CAN_TMDT0_TGT /* Transmit Global Time */
#define CAN_TX_GLOBAL_TIME1 CAN_TMDT1_TGT /* Transmit Global Time */
#define CAN_TX_GLOBAL_TIME2 CAN_TMDT2_TGT /* Transmit Global Time */
/** CAN Mailbox Transmit Request **/
#define CAN_TMIX_TXRQ (CAN_TMI0_TXRQ | CAN_TMI1_TXRQ) /* Transmit mailbox request */
/** CAN Filter Master Register bits **/
#define CAN_FILTER_INIT (CAN_FMC_FINITM) /* Filter init mode */
/** Time out for INAK bit */
#define INIAK_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF)
/** Time out for SLAK bit */
#define SLPAK_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF)
/** Mailboxes definition **/
#define CAN_TXSTS_MAILBOX0 ((uint8_t)0x00) /* CAN transmit mailbox number 0 */
#define CAN_TXSTS_MAILBOX1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* CAN transmit mailbox number 1 */
#define CAN_TXSTS_MAILBOX2 ((uint8_t)0x02) /* CAN transmit mailbox number 2 */
#define CAN_TXSTS_NOMAILBOX ((uint8_t)0x04) /* CAN cell did not provide an empty mailbox */
/** OperatingMode **/
#define CAN_NORMAL_MODE ((uint8_t)0x00) /* normal mode */
#define CAN_LOOPBACK_MODE ((uint8_t)0x01) /* loopback mode */
#define CAN_SILENT_MODE ((uint8_t)0x02) /* silent mode */
#define CAN_SILENT_LOOPBACK_MODE ((uint8_t)0x03) /* loopback combined with silent mode */
/** CAN_operating_mode **/
#define CAN_OPERATING_INITMODE ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Initialization mode */
#define CAN_OPERATING_NORMALMODE ((uint8_t)0x01) /* Normal mode */
#define CAN_OPERATING_SLEEPMODE ((uint8_t)0x02) /* sleep mode */
/** CAN_synchronisation_jump_width **/
#define CAN_RSJW_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /* 1 time quantum */
#define CAN_RSJW_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /* 2 time quantum */
#define CAN_RSJW_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /* 3 time quantum */
#define CAN_RSJW_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /* 4 time quantum */
/** CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_1 **/
#define CAN_TBS1_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /* 1 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /* 2 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /* 3 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /* 4 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_5TQ ((uint8_t)0x04) /* 5 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_6TQ ((uint8_t)0x05) /* 6 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_7TQ ((uint8_t)0x06) /* 7 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_8TQ ((uint8_t)0x07) /* 8 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_9TQ ((uint8_t)0x08) /* 9 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_10TQ ((uint8_t)0x09) /* 10 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_11TQ ((uint8_t)0x0A) /* 11 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_12TQ ((uint8_t)0x0B) /* 12 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_13TQ ((uint8_t)0x0C) /* 13 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_14TQ ((uint8_t)0x0D) /* 14 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_15TQ ((uint8_t)0x0E) /* 15 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS1_16TQ ((uint8_t)0x0F) /* 16 time quantum */
/** CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_2 **/
#define CAN_TBS2_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /* 1 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /* 2 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /* 3 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /* 4 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_5TQ ((uint8_t)0x04) /* 5 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_6TQ ((uint8_t)0x05) /* 6 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_7TQ ((uint8_t)0x06) /* 7 time quantum */
#define CAN_TBS2_8TQ ((uint8_t)0x07) /* 8 time quantum */
/** CAN_filter_mode **/
#define CAN_FILTER_IDMASKMODE ((uint8_t)0x00) /* identifier/mask mode */
#define CAN_FILTER_IDLISTMODE ((uint8_t)0x01) /* identifier list mode */
/** CAN_filter_scale **/
#define CAN_FILTER_16BITSCALE ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Two 16-bit filters */
#define CAN_FILTER_32BITSCALE ((uint8_t)0x01) /* One 32-bit filter */
/** CAN_filter_FIFO **/
#define CAN_FILTER_FIFO0 ((uint8_t)0x00) /* Filter DATFIFO 0 assignment for filter x */
#define CAN_FILTER_FIFO1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* Filter DATFIFO 1 assignment for filter x */
/** CAN_identifier_type **/
#define CAN_STANDARD_ID ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /* Standard Id */
#define CAN_EXTENDED_ID ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /* Extended Id */
/** CAN_remote_transmission_request **/
#define CAN_RTRQ_DATA ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /* Data frame */
#define CAN_RTRQ_REMOTE ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /* Remote frame */
/** CAN_receive_FIFO_number_constants **/
#define CAN_FIFO0 ((uint8_t)0x00) /* CAN DATFIFO 0 used to receive */
#define CAN_FIFO1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /* CAN DATFIFO 1 used to receive */
/** CAN_Error_Code_constants **/
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_NOERR ((uint8_t)0x00) /* No Error */
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_STUFFERR (CAN_ESTS_LEC_0) /* Stuff Error */
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_FORMERR (CAN_ESTS_LEC_1) /* Form Error */
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_ACKERR (CAN_ESTS_LEC_0 | CAN_ESTS_LEC_1) /* Acknowledgment Error */
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_BITRECESSIVEERR (CAN_ESTS_LEC_2) /* Bit Recessive Error */
#define CAN_ERRORCODE_SWSETERR (CAN_ESTS_LEC) /* Software Set Error */
#define CAN_TX_ERROR_COUNT (CAN_ESTS_TXEC) /* Least significant byte of the 9-bit Transmit Error Counter */
#define CAN_RX_ERROR_COUNT (CAN_ESTS_RXEC) /* Receive Error Counter */
#define CAN_ERROR_WARN_FLAG (CAN_ESTS_EWGFL) /* Error Warning Flag */
#define CAN_ERROR_PASS_FLAG (CAN_ESTS_EPVFL) /* Error Passive Flag */
#define CAN_BUS_OFF_FLAG (CAN_ESTS_BOFFL) /* Bus-Off Flag */
/*** CAN_flags ***/
/** If the flag is 0x3XXXXXXX, it means that it can be used with CAN_GetFlagSTS()
and CAN_ClearFlag() functions. **/
/** If the flag is 0x1XXXXXXX, it means that it can only be used with CAN_GetFlagSTS() function. **/
#define CAN_FLAG_MASK ((uint32_t)0x000FFFFF)
/** Transmit Flags **/
#define CAN_FLAG_RQCPM0 ((uint32_t)0x38000001) /* Request MailBox0 Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_RQCPM1 ((uint32_t)0x38000100) /* Request MailBox1 Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_RQCPM2 ((uint32_t)0x38010000) /* Request MailBox2 Flag */
/** Receive Flags **/
#define CAN_FLAG_FFMP0 ((uint32_t)0x12000003) /* DATFIFO 0 Message Pending Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_FFULL0 ((uint32_t)0x32000008) /* DATFIFO 0 Full Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_FFOVR0 ((uint32_t)0x32000010) /* DATFIFO 0 Overrun Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_FFMP1 ((uint32_t)0x14000003) /* DATFIFO 1 Message Pending Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_FFULL1 ((uint32_t)0x34000008) /* DATFIFO 1 Full Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_FFOVR1 ((uint32_t)0x34000010) /* DATFIFO 1 Overrun Flag */
/** Operating Mode Flags **/
#define CAN_FLAG_WKU ((uint32_t)0x31000008) /* Wake up Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_SLAK ((uint32_t)0x31000012) /* Sleep acknowledge Flag */
/** Note: When SLAK intterupt is disabled (SLKIE=0), no polling on SLAKI is possible.
In this case the SLAK bit can be polled. **/
/** Error Flags **/
#define CAN_FLAG_EWGFL ((uint32_t)0x10F00001) /* Error Warning Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_EPVFL ((uint32_t)0x10F00002) /* Error Passive Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_BOFFL ((uint32_t)0x10F00004) /* Bus-Off Flag */
#define CAN_FLAG_LEC ((uint32_t)0x30F00070) /* Last error code Flag */
/** Flags in TSTS register */
#define CAN_FLAGS_TSTS ((uint32_t)0x08000000)
/** Flags in RFF1 register */
#define CAN_FLAGS_RFF1 ((uint32_t)0x04000000)
/** Flags in RFF0 register */
#define CAN_FLAGS_RFF0 ((uint32_t)0x02000000)
/** Flags in MSTS register */
#define CAN_FLAGS_MSTS ((uint32_t)0x01000000)
/** Flags in ESTS register */
#define CAN_FLAGS_ESTS ((uint32_t)0x00F00000)
/** CAN_interrupts **/
#define CAN_INT_TME (CAN_INTE_TMEITE) /* Transmit mailbox empty Interrupt*/
/** Flags named as Interrupts : kept only for FW compatibility **/
/** Receive Interrupts **/
#define CAN_INT_FMP0 (CAN_INTE_FMPITE0) /* DATFIFO 0 message pending Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_FF0 (CAN_INTE_FFITE0) /* DATFIFO 0 full Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_FOV0 (CAN_INTE_FOVITE0) /* DATFIFO 0 overrun Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_FMP1 (CAN_INTE_FMPITE1) /* DATFIFO 1 message pending Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_FF1 (CAN_INTE_FFITE1) /* DATFIFO 1 full Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_FOV1 (CAN_INTE_FOVITE1) /* DATFIFO 1 overrun Interrupt*/
/** Operating Mode Interrupts **/
#define CAN_INT_WKU (CAN_INTE_WKUITE) /* Wake-up Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_SLK (CAN_INTE_SLKITE) /* Sleep acknowledge Interrupt*/
/** Error Interrupts **/
#define CAN_INT_EWG (CAN_INTE_EWGITE) /* Error warning Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_EPV (CAN_INTE_EPVITE) /* Error passive Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_BOF (CAN_INTE_BOFITE) /* Bus-off Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_LEC (CAN_INTE_LECITE) /* Last error code Interrupt*/
#define CAN_INT_ERR (CAN_INTE_ERRITE) /* Error Interrupt*/
/** Bit definition for CAN_TMDTx register **/
#define CAN_TMDTx_DLC (CAN_TMDT0_DLC | CAN_TMDT1_DLC) /* Data Length Code */
/** Bit definition for CAN_TSTS register **/
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_EMPTY0 (CAN_TSTS_TMEM0) /* Transmit Mailbox 0 Empty */
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_EMPTY1 (CAN_TSTS_TMEM1) /* Transmit Mailbox 1 Empty */
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_EMPTY2 (CAN_TSTS_TMEM2) /* Transmit Mailbox 2 Empty */
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_CODE (CAN_TSTS_CODE) /* Mailbox Code */
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_0 (CAN_TSTS_CODE_0) /* Mailbox 0 */
#define CAN_TX_MAILBOX_1 (CAN_TSTS_CODE_1) /* Mailbox 1 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX0_RQ_OK (CAN_TSTS_RQCPM0) /* Request Completed Mailbox0 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX0_TX_OK (CAN_TSTS_TXOKM0) /* Transmission OK of Mailbox0 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX1_RQ_OK (CAN_TSTS_RQCPM1) /* Request Completed Mailbox1 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX1_TX_OK (CAN_TSTS_TXOKM1) /* Transmission OK of Mailbox1 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX2_RQ_OK (CAN_TSTS_RQCPM2) /* Request Completed Mailbox2 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX2_TX_OK (CAN_TSTS_TXOKM2) /* Transmission OK of Mailbox 2 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX0_RQ_AB (CAN_TSTS_ABRQM0) /* Abort Request for Mailbox0 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX1_RQ_AB (CAN_TSTS_ABRQM1) /* Abort Request for Mailbox1 */
#define CAN_MAILBOX2_RQ_AB (CAN_TSTS_ABRQM2) /* Abort Request for Mailbox2 */
/** Bit definition for CAN_RMIx register **/
#define CAN_RMIx_RTRQ (CAN_RMI0_RTRQ | CAN_RMI1_RTRQ) /* Remote Transmission Request */
#define CAN_RMIx_IDE (CAN_RMI0_IDE | CAN_RMI1_IDE) /* Identifier Extension */
#define CAN_RMIx_EXTID (CAN_RMI0_EXTID | CAN_RMI1_EXTID) /* Extended Identifier */
#define CAN_RMIx_STDID (CAN_RMI0_STDID | CAN_RMI1_STDID) /* Standard Identifier or Extended Identifier */
/** CAN receive FIFO mailbox data register **/
/** Bit definition for CAN_RFFx register **/
#define CAN_FIFO0_PENDING (CAN_RFF0_FFMP0) /* DATFIFO 0 Message Pending */
#define CAN_FIFO1_PENDING (CAN_RFF1_FFMP1) /* DATFIFO 0 Message Pending */
#define CAN_FIFOX_PENDING_0 ((uint8_t)0x00)
#define CAN_RELEASE_FIFO_0 (CAN_RFF0_RFFOM0) /* Release DATFIFO 0 Output Mailbox */
#define CAN_RELEASE_FIFO_1 (CAN_RFF1_RFFOM1) /* Release DATFIFO 1 Output Mailbox */
#define CAN_FULL_FIFO_0 (CAN_RFF0_FFULL0) /* DATFIFO 0 Full */
#define CAN_OVER_FIFO_0 (CAN_RFF0_FFOVR0) /* DATFIFO 0 Overrun */
#define CAN_FULL_FIFO_1 (CAN_RFF1_FFULL1) /* DATFIFO 1 Full */
#define CAN_OVER_FIFO_1 (CAN_RFF1_FFOVR1) /* DATFIFO 1 Overrun */
/** Function used to set the CAN configuration to the default reset state **/
void CAN_Reset(CAN_Module* CANx);
/** Initialization functions **/
void CAN_Sleep_Mode_Exit(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Initializes_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Initializes_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Initializes_Wait(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Initializes_Leave_Wait(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Time_Trigger_Mode_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Time_Trigger_Mode_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Bus_Off_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Bus_Off_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Wake_Up_Mode_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Wake_Up_Mode_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_No_Retransmission_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_No_Retransmission_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_DATA_FIFO_Receive_Lock_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_DATA_FIFO_Receive_Lock_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_DATA_FIFO_Transmit_Priority_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_DATA_FIFO_Transmit_Priority_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Bit_Timing_Set(CAN_Module* CANx, CAN_InitType* CAN_initializes_parameter);
CAN_Status CAN_Initializes(CAN_Module* CANx, CAN_InitType* CAN_initializes_parameter);
/** Filter Initialization functions **/
void CAN_Filter_Initializes_Enable(void);
void CAN_Filter_Initializes_Disable(void);
void CAN_Filter_Initializes(CAN_FilterInitType* CAN_filter_initializes_structure);
/** Configuration functions**/
void CAN_Structure_Initializes(CAN_InitType* CAN_initializes_parameter);
void CAN_Debug_Freeze_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Debug_Freeze_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Time_Stamp_Sent_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
void CAN_Time_Stamp_Sent_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx);
/** Transmit functions **/
uint8_t CAN_Transmit_Message_initializes(CAN_Module* CANx, CanTxMessage* transmit_message);
CAN_Tx_Status CAN_Transmit_Status_Get(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t mailbox_queue);
void CAN_Transmit_Message_Cancel(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t mailbox_queue);
/** Receive functions **/
void CAN_Message_Receive(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t FIFO_number, CanRxMessage* receive_message);
void CAN_FIFO_Release(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t FIFO_number);
uint8_t CAN_Message_Pending_Get(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t FIFO_number);
/** Operation modes functions **/
CAN_Status CAN_Operating_Mode_Select(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t CAN_operating_mode);
CAN_Status CAN_Sleep_Mode_Enter(CAN_Module* CANx);
CAN_Status CAN_Wake_Up_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx);
/** Error management functions **/
uint8_t CAN_Last_Error_Code_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
uint8_t CAN_Receive_Error_Counter_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
uint8_t CAN_LSB_Transmit_Error_Counter_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
/** Interrupts and flags management functions **/
void CAN_Config_Interrupt_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_interrupt);
void CAN_Config_Interrupt_Disable(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_interrupt);
FlagStatus CAN_Flag_status_Get(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_flag);
void CAN_Flag_Status_Clear(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_flag);
INTStatus CAN_Interrupt_Status_Get(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_interrupt);
void CAN_Interrupt_Status_Clear(CAN_Module* CANx, uint32_t CAN_interrupt);
void CAN_Filter_Deactivation(uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Filter_Scale_16bit_Set(CAN_FilterInitType* CAN_filter_initializes_structure, \
uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Filter_Scale_32bit_Set(CAN_FilterInitType* CAN_filter_initializes_structure, \
uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Filter_Mode_Set(uint8_t filter_mode, uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Filter_DATA_FIFO_Assign(uint16_t filter_assign, uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Filter_Activate(uint32_t filter_position);
void CAN_Transmit_Message_ID_Config(CAN_Module* CANx, CanTxMessage* transmit_message, \
uint8_t mailbox_queue);
void CAN_Transmit_Message_DLC_Config(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t data_length, \
uint8_t mailbox_queue);
void CAN_Transmit_Message_Data_Config(CAN_Module* CANx, CanTxMessage* transmit_message, \
uint8_t mailbox_queue);
void CAN_Transmit_Enable(CAN_Module* CANx, uint8_t mailbox_queue);
void CAN_Software_Reset(CAN_Module* CANx);
FlagStatus CAN_Transmit_Fail_Status_Get(CAN_Module* CANx,uint8_t mailbox_queue);
FlagStatus CAN_Arbitration_Lost_Status_Get(CAN_Module* CANx,uint8_t mailbox_queue);
FlagStatus CAN_Flag_Lowest_Priority_Get(CAN_Module* CANx,uint8_t mailbox_queue);
FlagStatus CAN_Flag_Transmit_Mailbox_Empty_Get(CAN_Module* CANx,uint8_t mailbox_queue);
FlagStatus CAN_Receive_Signal_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
FlagStatus CAN_Last_Sample_Point_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
FlagStatus CAN_Receive_Mode_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
FlagStatus CAN_Transmit_Mode_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
uint8_t CAN_Mailbox_Code_Get(CAN_Module* CANx);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __N32G430_CAN_H__ */