1. 功能描述 1. IO控制LED闪烁 2. 使用环境 软件开发环境:KEIL MDK-ARM V5.34.0.0 IAR EWARM 8.50.1 硬件环境:基于N32G430C8L7-STB V1.0评估板开发 3.使用说明 /*描述相关模块配置方法;例如:时钟,I/O等*/ SystemClock: 128MHz GPIO: PA1、PA7、PA9控制LED (D1、D2、D3)闪烁 /*描述Demo的测试步骤和现象*/ 1. 编译完成后,下载程序复位并运行; 2. LED (D1, D2, D3)闪烁; 4. 注意事项 无 1. Function description 1. This example shows the IO control LED blinking 2. Use environment Software development environment: KEIL MDK-ARM V5.34.0.0 IAR EWARM 8.50.1 Hardware environment: Developed based on the evaluation board N32G430C8L7-STB V1.0 3. Instructions for use /* Describe related module configuration methods; for example: clock, I/O, etc. */ SystemClock:128MHz GPIO: PA1, PA7, PA9 control LED (D1, D2, D3) to blink /* Describe the test steps and phenomena of the Demo */ 1. After compiling, download the program to reset and run; 2. LED (D1, D2, D3) flashes; 4. Matters needing attention none