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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Header file for Mini-XML, a small XML file parsing library.
// Copyright © 2003-2024 by Michael R Sweet.
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
// information.
#ifndef MXML_H
# define MXML_H
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdbool.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <limits.h>
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif // __cplusplus
// Constants...
# define MXML_MAJOR_VERSION 4 // Major version number
# define MXML_MINOR_VERSION 0 // Minor version number
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define MXML_FORMAT(a,b) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, a, b)))
# else
# define MXML_FORMAT(a,b)
# endif // __GNUC__
// Data types...
typedef enum mxml_add_e // @link mxmlAdd@ add values
MXML_ADD_BEFORE, // Add node before specified node
MXML_ADD_AFTER // Add node after specified node
} mxml_add_t;
typedef enum mxml_descend_e // @link mxmlFindElement@, @link mxmlWalkNext@, and @link mxmlWalkPrev@ descend values
MXML_DESCEND_FIRST = -1, // Descend for first find
MXML_DESCEND_NONE = 0, // Don't descend when finding/walking
MXML_DESCEND_ALL = 1 // Descend when finding/walking
} mxml_descend_t;
typedef enum mxml_sax_event_e // SAX event type.
MXML_SAX_EVENT_DIRECTIVE, // Processing instruction node
} mxml_sax_event_t;
typedef enum mxml_type_e // The XML node type.
MXML_TYPE_IGNORE = -1, // Ignore/throw away node
MXML_TYPE_CDATA, // CDATA value ("<[CDATA[...]]>")
MXML_TYPE_COMMENT, // Comment ("<!--...-->")
MXML_TYPE_DECLARATION, // Declaration ("<!...>")
MXML_TYPE_DIRECTIVE, // Processing instruction ("<?...?>")
MXML_TYPE_ELEMENT, // XML element with attributes
MXML_TYPE_INTEGER, // Integer value
MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE, // Opaque string
MXML_TYPE_REAL, // Real value
MXML_TYPE_TEXT, // Text fragment
MXML_TYPE_CUSTOM // Custom data
} mxml_type_t;
typedef enum mxml_ws_e // Whitespace periods
MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN, // Callback for before open tag
MXML_WS_AFTER_OPEN, // Callback for after open tag
MXML_WS_BEFORE_CLOSE, // Callback for before close tag
MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE, // Callback for after close tag
} mxml_ws_t;
typedef void (*mxml_error_cb_t)(void *cbdata, const char *message);
// Error callback function
typedef struct _mxml_node_s mxml_node_t;// An XML node
typedef struct _mxml_index_s mxml_index_t;
// An XML node index
typedef struct _mxml_options_s mxml_options_t;
// XML options
typedef void (*mxml_custfree_cb_t)(void *cbdata, void *custdata);
// Custom data destructor
typedef bool (*mxml_custload_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, const char *s);
// Custom data load callback function
typedef char *(*mxml_custsave_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node);
// Custom data save callback function
typedef int (*mxml_entity_cb_t)(void *cbdata, const char *name);
// Entity callback function
typedef size_t (*mxml_io_cb_t)(void *cbdata, void *buffer, size_t bytes);
// Read/write callback function
typedef bool (*mxml_sax_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_sax_event_t event);
// SAX callback function
typedef char *(*mxml_strcopy_cb_t)(void *cbdata, const char *s);
// String copy/allocation callback
typedef void (*mxml_strfree_cb_t)(void *cbdata, char *s);
// String free callback
typedef mxml_type_t (*mxml_type_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node);
// Type callback function
typedef const char *(*mxml_ws_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_ws_t when);
// Whitespace callback function
// Prototypes...
extern void mxmlAdd(mxml_node_t *parent, mxml_add_t add, mxml_node_t *child, mxml_node_t *node);
extern void mxmlDelete(mxml_node_t *node);
extern void mxmlElementClearAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);
extern const char *mxmlElementGetAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);
extern const char *mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex(mxml_node_t *node, size_t idx, const char **name);
extern size_t mxmlElementGetAttrCount(mxml_node_t *node);
extern void mxmlElementSetAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name, const char *value);
extern void mxmlElementSetAttrf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(3,4);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlFindElement(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, const char *element, const char *attr, const char *value, mxml_descend_t descend);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlFindPath(mxml_node_t *node, const char *path);
extern const char *mxmlGetCDATA(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetComment(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const void *mxmlGetCustom(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetDeclaration(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetDirective(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetElement(mxml_node_t *node);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlGetFirstChild(mxml_node_t *node);
extern long mxmlGetInteger(mxml_node_t *node);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlGetLastChild(mxml_node_t *node);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlGetNextSibling(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetOpaque(mxml_node_t *node);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlGetParent(mxml_node_t *node);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlGetPrevSibling(mxml_node_t *node);
extern double mxmlGetReal(mxml_node_t *node);
extern size_t mxmlGetRefCount(mxml_node_t *node);
extern const char *mxmlGetText(mxml_node_t *node, bool *whitespace);
extern mxml_type_t mxmlGetType(mxml_node_t *node);
extern void *mxmlGetUserData(mxml_node_t *node);
extern void mxmlIndexDelete(mxml_index_t *ind);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexEnum(mxml_index_t *ind);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexFind(mxml_index_t *ind, const char *element, const char *value);
extern size_t mxmlIndexGetCount(mxml_index_t *ind);
extern mxml_index_t *mxmlIndexNew(mxml_node_t *node, const char *element, const char *attr);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexReset(mxml_index_t *ind);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFd(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, int fd);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFile(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, FILE *fp);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFilename(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, const char *filename);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadIO(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, mxml_io_cb_t io_cb, void *io_cbdata);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadString(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, const char *s);
extern void mxmlOptionsDelete(mxml_options_t *options);
extern mxml_options_t *mxmlOptionsNew(void);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_custload_cb_t load_cb, mxml_custsave_cb_t save_cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetEntityCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_entity_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetErrorCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_error_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetSAXCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_sax_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetTypeCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_type_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_type_t type);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetWhitespaceCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_ws_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);
extern void mxmlOptionsSetWrapMargin(mxml_options_t *options, int column);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCDATA(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *string);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCDATAf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewComment(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *comment);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCommentf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCustom(mxml_node_t *parent, void *data, mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDeclaration(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *declaration);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDeclarationf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDirective(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *directive);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDirectivef(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewElement(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *name);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewInteger(mxml_node_t *parent, long integer);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewOpaque(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *opaque);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewOpaquef(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewReal(mxml_node_t *parent, double real);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewText(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace, const char *string);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewTextf(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(3,4);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlNewXML(const char *version);
extern int mxmlRelease(mxml_node_t *node);
extern void mxmlRemove(mxml_node_t *node);
extern int mxmlRetain(mxml_node_t *node);
extern char *mxmlSaveAllocString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options);
extern bool mxmlSaveFd(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, int fd);
extern bool mxmlSaveFile(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, FILE *fp);
extern bool mxmlSaveFilename(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, const char *filename);
extern bool mxmlSaveIO(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, mxml_io_cb_t io_cb, void *io_cbdata);
extern size_t mxmlSaveString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
extern bool mxmlSetCDATA(mxml_node_t *node, const char *data);
extern bool mxmlSetCDATAf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern bool mxmlSetComment(mxml_node_t *node, const char *comment);
extern bool mxmlSetCommentf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern bool mxmlSetDeclaration(mxml_node_t *node, const char *declaration);
extern bool mxmlSetDeclarationf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern bool mxmlSetDirective(mxml_node_t *node, const char *directive);
extern bool mxmlSetDirectivef(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern bool mxmlSetCustom(mxml_node_t *node, void *data, mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);
extern bool mxmlSetElement(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);
extern bool mxmlSetInteger(mxml_node_t *node, long integer);
extern bool mxmlSetOpaque(mxml_node_t *node, const char *opaque);
extern bool mxmlSetOpaquef(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(2,3);
extern bool mxmlSetReal(mxml_node_t *node, double real);
extern void mxmlSetStringCallbacks(mxml_strcopy_cb_t strcopy_cb, mxml_strfree_cb_t strfree_cb, void *str_cbdata);
extern bool mxmlSetText(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace, const char *string);
extern bool mxmlSetTextf(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace, const char *format, ...) MXML_FORMAT(3,4);
extern bool mxmlSetUserData(mxml_node_t *node, void *data);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlWalkNext(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, mxml_descend_t descend);
extern mxml_node_t *mxmlWalkPrev(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, mxml_descend_t descend);
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif // __cplusplus
#endif // !MXML_H