import cmsisdsp as dsp import numpy as np from scipy import signal from pylab import figure, clf, plot, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, title, grid, axes, show,semilogx, semilogy # Data file from def q31sat(x): if x > 0x7FFFFFFF: return(np.int32(0x7FFFFFFF)) elif x < -0x80000000: return(np.int32(0x80000000)) else: return(np.int32(x)) q31satV=np.vectorize(q31sat) def toQ31(x): return(q31satV(np.round(x * (1<<31)))) def Q31toF32(x): return(1.0*x / 2**31) filename = 'rec_2.dat' f = open(filename,"r") sig = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16) f.closed sig = 1.0*sig / (1 << 12) p0 = np.exp(1j*0.05) * 0.98 p1 = np.exp(1j*0.25) * 0.9 p2 = np.exp(1j*0.45) * 0.97 z0 = np.exp(1j*0.02) z1 = np.exp(1j*0.65) z2 = np.exp(1j*1.0) g = 0.02 nb = 300 sos = signal.zpk2sos( [z0,np.conj(z0),z1,np.conj(z1),z2,np.conj(z2)] ,[p0, np.conj(p0),p1, np.conj(p1),p2, np.conj(p2)] ,g) res=signal.sosfilt(sos,sig) figure() plot(sig[1:nb]) figure() plot(res[1:nb]) biquadQ31 = dsp.arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31() numStages=3 state=np.zeros(numStages*4) # For use in CMSIS, denominator coefs must be negated # and first a0 coef wihich is always 1 must be removed coefs=np.reshape(np.hstack((sos[:,:3],-sos[:,4:])),15) coefs = coefs / 4.0 coefsQ31 = toQ31(coefs) postshift = 2 dsp.arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_q31(biquadQ31,numStages,coefsQ31,state,postshift) sigQ31=toQ31(sig) nbSamples=sigQ31.shape[0] # Here we demonstrate how we can process a long sequence of samples per block # and thus check that the state of the biquad is well updated and preserved # between the calls. half = int(round(nbSamples / 2)) res2a=dsp.arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31(biquadQ31,sigQ31[1:half]) res2b=dsp.arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31(biquadQ31,sigQ31[half+1:nbSamples]) res2=Q31toF32(np.hstack((res2a,res2b))) figure() plot(res2[1:nb]) show()#