
280 lines
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* This file is part of the PulseView project.
* Copyright (C) 2012-14 Joel Holdsworth <joel@airwebreathe.org.uk>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include "util.hpp"
#include "views/viewbase.hpp"
using std::function;
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::mutex;
using std::recursive_mutex;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_set;
struct srd_decoder;
struct srd_channel;
namespace sigrok {
class Analog;
class Channel;
class Device;
class InputFormat;
class Logic;
class Meta;
class Option;
class OutputFormat;
class Packet;
class Session;
} // namespace sigrok
using sigrok::Option;
namespace pv {
class DeviceManager;
namespace data {
class Analog;
class AnalogSegment;
class DecodeSignal;
class Logic;
class LogicSegment;
class SignalBase;
class SignalData;
namespace devices {
class Device;
namespace toolbars {
class MainBar;
namespace views {
class ViewBase;
class Session : public QObject
enum capture_state {
static shared_ptr<sigrok::Context> sr_context;
Session(DeviceManager &device_manager, QString name);
DeviceManager& device_manager();
const DeviceManager& device_manager() const;
shared_ptr<sigrok::Session> session() const;
shared_ptr<devices::Device> device() const;
QString name() const;
void set_name(QString name);
const list< shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> > views() const;
shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> main_view() const;
shared_ptr<pv::toolbars::MainBar> main_bar() const;
void set_main_bar(shared_ptr<pv::toolbars::MainBar> main_bar);
* Indicates whether the captured data was saved to disk already or not
bool data_saved() const;
void save_settings(QSettings &settings) const;
void restore_settings(QSettings &settings);
* Attempts to set device instance, may fall back to demo if needed
void select_device(shared_ptr<devices::Device> device);
* Sets device instance that will be used in the next capture session.
void set_device(shared_ptr<devices::Device> device);
void set_default_device();
void load_init_file(const string &file_name, const string &format);
void load_file(QString file_name,
shared_ptr<sigrok::InputFormat> format = nullptr,
const map<string, Glib::VariantBase> &options =
map<string, Glib::VariantBase>());
capture_state get_capture_state() const;
void start_capture(function<void (const QString)> error_handler);
void stop_capture();
double get_samplerate() const;
uint32_t get_segment_count() const;
vector<util::Timestamp> get_triggers(uint32_t segment_id) const;
void register_view(shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view);
void deregister_view(shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view);
bool has_view(shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view);
const unordered_set< shared_ptr<data::SignalBase> > signalbases() const;
bool all_segments_complete(uint32_t segment_id) const;
shared_ptr<data::DecodeSignal> add_decode_signal();
void remove_decode_signal(shared_ptr<data::DecodeSignal> signal);
void set_capture_state(capture_state state);
void update_signals();
shared_ptr<data::SignalBase> signalbase_from_channel(
shared_ptr<sigrok::Channel> channel) const;
static map<string, Glib::VariantBase> input_format_options(
vector<string> user_spec,
map<string, shared_ptr<Option>> fmt_opts);
void sample_thread_proc(function<void (const QString)> error_handler);
void free_unused_memory();
void signal_new_segment();
void signal_segment_completed();
void feed_in_header();
void feed_in_meta(shared_ptr<sigrok::Meta> meta);
void feed_in_trigger();
void feed_in_frame_begin();
void feed_in_frame_end();
void feed_in_logic(shared_ptr<sigrok::Logic> logic);
void feed_in_analog(shared_ptr<sigrok::Analog> analog);
void data_feed_in(shared_ptr<sigrok::Device> device,
shared_ptr<sigrok::Packet> packet);
void capture_state_changed(int state);
void device_changed();
void signals_changed();
void name_changed();
void trigger_event(int segment_id, util::Timestamp location);
void new_segment(int new_segment_id);
void segment_completed(int segment_id);
void data_received();
void add_view(const QString &title, views::ViewType type,
Session *session);
public Q_SLOTS:
void on_data_saved();
DeviceManager &device_manager_;
shared_ptr<devices::Device> device_;
QString default_name_, name_;
list< shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> > views_;
shared_ptr<pv::views::ViewBase> main_view_;
shared_ptr<pv::toolbars::MainBar> main_bar_;
mutable mutex sampling_mutex_; //!< Protects access to capture_state_.
capture_state capture_state_;
unordered_set< shared_ptr<data::SignalBase> > signalbases_;
unordered_set< shared_ptr<data::SignalData> > all_signal_data_;
/// trigger_list_ contains pairs of <segment_id, timestamp> values.
vector< std::pair<uint32_t, util::Timestamp> > trigger_list_;
mutable recursive_mutex data_mutex_;
shared_ptr<data::Logic> logic_data_;
uint64_t cur_samplerate_;
shared_ptr<data::LogicSegment> cur_logic_segment_;
map< shared_ptr<sigrok::Channel>, shared_ptr<data::AnalogSegment> >
int32_t highest_segment_id_;
std::thread sampling_thread_;
bool out_of_memory_;
bool data_saved_;
bool frame_began_;
} // namespace pv