
348 lines
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* This file is part of the PulseView project.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Holdsworth <joel@airwebreathe.org.uk>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Soeren Apel <soeren@apelpie.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <QColor>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVariant>
#include <libsigrokcxx/libsigrokcxx.hpp>
using std::atomic;
using std::condition_variable;
using std::map;
using std::mutex;
using std::pair;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace sigrok {
class Channel;
namespace pv {
namespace data {
class Analog;
class AnalogSegment;
class DecoderStack;
class Logic;
class LogicSegment;
class SignalData;
class SignalBase : public QObject
enum ChannelType {
AnalogChannel = 1, ///< Analog data
LogicChannel, ///< Logic data
DecodeChannel, ///< Protocol Decoder channel using libsigrokdecode
MathChannel ///< Virtual channel generated by math operations
enum ConversionType {
NoConversion = 0,
A2LConversionByThreshold = 1,
A2LConversionBySchmittTrigger = 2
* Conversion presets range from -1 to n, where 1..n are dependent on
* the conversion these presets apply to. -1 and 0 have fixed meanings,
* however.
enum ConversionPreset {
NoPreset = -1, ///< Conversion uses custom values
DynamicPreset = 0 ///< Conversion uses calculated values
static const int ColorBGAlpha;
static const uint64_t ConversionBlockSize;
static const uint32_t ConversionDelay;
SignalBase(shared_ptr<sigrok::Channel> channel, ChannelType channel_type);
virtual ~SignalBase();
* Returns the underlying SR channel.
shared_ptr<sigrok::Channel> channel() const;
* Returns enabled status of this channel.
bool enabled() const;
* Sets the enabled status of this channel.
* @param value Boolean value to set.
void set_enabled(bool value);
* Gets the type of this channel.
ChannelType type() const;
* Gets the index number of this channel, i.e. a unique ID assigned by
* the device driver.
unsigned int index() const;
* Returns which bit of a given sample for this signal represents the
* signal itself. This is relevant for compound signals like logic,
* rather meaningless for everything else but provided in case there
* is a conversion active that provides a digital signal using bit #0.
unsigned int logic_bit_index() const;
* Gets the name of this signal.
QString name() const;
* Gets the internal name of this signal, i.e. how the device calls it.
QString internal_name() const;
* Produces a string for this signal that can be used for display,
* i.e. it contains one or both of the signal/internal names.
QString display_name() const;
* Sets the name of the signal.
virtual void set_name(QString name);
* Get the color of the signal.
QColor color() const;
* Set the color of the signal.
void set_color(QColor color);
* Get the background color of the signal.
QColor bgcolor() const;
* Sets the internal data object.
void set_data(shared_ptr<pv::data::SignalData> data);
* Get the internal data as analog data object in case of analog type.
shared_ptr<pv::data::Analog> analog_data() const;
* Get the internal data as logic data object in case of logic type.
shared_ptr<pv::data::Logic> logic_data() const;
* Determines whether a given segment is complete (i.e. end-of-frame has
* been seen). It only considers the original data, not the converted data.
bool segment_is_complete(uint32_t segment_id) const;
* Determines whether this signal has any sample data at all.
bool has_samples() const;
* Queries the kind of conversion performed on this channel.
ConversionType get_conversion_type() const;
* Changes the kind of conversion performed on this channel.
* Restarts the conversion.
void set_conversion_type(ConversionType t);
* Returns all currently known conversion options
map<QString, QVariant> get_conversion_options() const;
* Sets the value of a particular conversion option
* Note: it is not checked whether the option is valid for the
* currently conversion. If it's not, it will be silently ignored.
* Does not restart the conversion.
* @return true if the value is different from before, false otherwise
bool set_conversion_option(QString key, QVariant value);
* Returns the threshold(s) used for conversions, if applicable.
* The resulting thresholds are given for the chosen conversion, so you
* can query thresholds also for conversions which aren't currently active.
* If you want the thresholds for the currently active conversion,
* call it either with NoConversion or no parameter.
* @param t the type of conversion to obtain the thresholds for, leave
* empty or use NoConversion if you want to query the currently
* used conversion
* @param always_custom ignore the currently selected preset and always
* return the custom values for this conversion, using 0 if those
* aren't set
* @return a list of threshold(s) used by the chosen conversion
vector<double> get_conversion_thresholds(
const ConversionType t = NoConversion, const bool always_custom=false) const;
* Provides all conversion presets available for the currently active
* conversion.
* @return a list of description/ID pairs for each preset
vector<pair<QString, int> > get_conversion_presets() const;
* Determines the ID of the currently used conversion preset, which is only
* valid for the currently available conversion presets. It is therefore
* suggested to call @ref get_conversion_presets right before calling this.
* @return the ID of the currently used conversion preset. -1 if no preset
* is used. In that case, a user setting is used instead.
ConversionPreset get_current_conversion_preset() const;
* Sets the conversion preset to be used.
* Does not restart the conversion.
* @param id the id of the preset to use
void set_conversion_preset(ConversionPreset id);
bool is_decode_signal() const;
virtual void save_settings(QSettings &settings) const;
virtual void restore_settings(QSettings &settings);
void start_conversion(bool delayed_start=false);
bool conversion_is_a2l() const;
uint8_t convert_a2l_threshold(float threshold, float value);
uint8_t convert_a2l_schmitt_trigger(float lo_thr, float hi_thr,
float value, uint8_t &state);
void convert_single_segment_range(AnalogSegment *asegment,
LogicSegment *lsegment, uint64_t start_sample, uint64_t end_sample);
void convert_single_segment(pv::data::AnalogSegment *asegment,
pv::data::LogicSegment *lsegment);
void conversion_thread_proc();
void stop_conversion();
void enabled_changed(const bool &value);
void name_changed(const QString &name);
void color_changed(const QColor &color);
void conversion_type_changed(const ConversionType t);
void samples_cleared();
void samples_added(uint64_t segment_id, uint64_t start_sample,
uint64_t end_sample);
void min_max_changed(float min, float max);
private Q_SLOTS:
void on_samples_cleared();
void on_samples_added(QObject* segment, uint64_t start_sample,
uint64_t end_sample);
void on_min_max_changed(float min, float max);
void on_capture_state_changed(int state);
void on_delayed_conversion_start();
shared_ptr<sigrok::Channel> channel_;
ChannelType channel_type_;
shared_ptr<pv::data::SignalData> data_;
shared_ptr<pv::data::SignalData> converted_data_;
ConversionType conversion_type_;
map<QString, QVariant> conversion_options_;
float min_value_, max_value_;
std::thread conversion_thread_;
atomic<bool> conversion_interrupt_;
mutex conversion_input_mutex_;
condition_variable conversion_input_cond_;
QTimer delayed_conversion_starter_;
QString internal_name_, name_;
QColor color_, bgcolor_;
} // namespace data
} // namespace pv