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** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QStyleOptionFrame>
#include "wellarray.hpp"
namespace pv {
namespace widgets {
void WellArray::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QRect r = event->rect();
int cx = r.x();
int cy = r.y();
int ch = r.height();
int cw = r.width();
int colfirst = columnAt(cx);
int collast = columnAt(cx + cw);
int rowfirst = rowAt(cy);
int rowlast = rowAt(cy + ch);
if (isRightToLeft()) {
int t = colfirst;
colfirst = collast;
collast = t;
QPainter painter(this);
QPainter *p = &painter;
QRect rect(0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight());
if (collast < 0 || collast >= ncols)
collast = ncols-1;
if (rowlast < 0 || rowlast >= nrows)
rowlast = nrows-1;
// Go through the rows
for (int r = rowfirst; r <= rowlast; ++r) {
// get row position and height
int rowp = rowY(r);
// Go through the columns in the row r
// if we know from where to where, go through [colfirst, collast],
// else go through all of them
for (int c = colfirst; c <= collast; ++c) {
// get position and width of column c
int colp = columnX(c);
// Translate painter and draw the cell
rect.translate(colp, rowp);
paintCell(p, r, c, rect);
rect.translate(-colp, -rowp);
struct WellArrayData {
QBrush *brush;
WellArray::WellArray(int rows, int cols, QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
,nrows(rows), ncols(cols)
d = nullptr;
cellw = 28;
cellh = 24;
curCol = 0;
curRow = 0;
selCol = -1;
selRow = -1;
QSize WellArray::sizeHint() const
return gridSize().boundedTo(QSize(640, 480));
void WellArray::paintCell(QPainter* p, int row, int col, const QRect &rect)
int b = 3; //margin
const QPalette& g = palette();
QStyleOptionFrame opt;
int dfw = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth);
opt.lineWidth = dfw;
opt.midLineWidth = 1;
opt.rect = rect.adjusted(b, b, -b, -b);
opt.palette = g;
opt.state = QStyle::State_Enabled | QStyle::State_Sunken;
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, p, this);
b += dfw;
if ((row == curRow) && (col == curCol)) {
if (hasFocus()) {
QStyleOptionFocusRect opt;
opt.palette = g;
opt.rect = rect;
opt.state = QStyle::State_None | QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange;
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &opt, p, this);
paintCellContents(p, row, col, opt.rect.adjusted(dfw, dfw, -dfw, -dfw));
Reimplement this function to change the contents of the well array.
void WellArray::paintCellContents(QPainter *p, int row, int col, const QRect &r)
if (d) {
p->fillRect(r, d->brush[row*numCols()+col]);
} else {
p->fillRect(r, Qt::white);
p->drawLine(r.topLeft(), r.bottomRight());
p->drawLine(r.topRight(), r.bottomLeft());
void WellArray::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
// The current cell marker is set to the cell the mouse is pressed in
QPoint pos = event->pos();
setCurrent(rowAt(pos.y()), columnAt(pos.x()));
void WellArray::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * /* event */)
// The current cell marker is set to the cell the mouse is clicked in
setSelected(curRow, curCol);
Sets the cell currently having the focus. This is not necessarily
the same as the currently selected cell.
void WellArray::setCurrent(int row, int col)
if ((curRow == row) && (curCol == col))
if (row < 0 || col < 0)
row = col = -1;
int oldRow = curRow;
int oldCol = curCol;
curRow = row;
curCol = col;
updateCell(oldRow, oldCol);
updateCell(curRow, curCol);
Sets the currently selected cell to \a row, \a column. If \a row or
\a column are less than zero, the current cell is unselected.
Does not set the position of the focus indicator.
void WellArray::setSelected(int row, int col)
int oldRow = selRow;
int oldCol = selCol;
if (row < 0 || col < 0)
row = col = -1;
selCol = col;
selRow = row;
updateCell(oldRow, oldCol);
updateCell(selRow, selCol);
if (row >= 0)
selected(row, col);
void WellArray::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)
updateCell(curRow, curCol);
void WellArray::setCellBrush(int row, int col, const QBrush &b)
if (!d) {
d = new WellArrayData;
int i = numRows()*numCols();
d->brush = new QBrush[i];
if (row >= 0 && row < numRows() && col >= 0 && col < numCols())
d->brush[row*numCols()+col] = b;
Returns the brush set for the cell at \a row, \a column. If no brush is
set, Qt::NoBrush is returned.
QBrush WellArray::cellBrush(int row, int col)
if (d && row >= 0 && row < numRows() && col >= 0 && col < numCols())
return d->brush[row*numCols()+col];
return Qt::NoBrush;
void WellArray::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)
updateCell(curRow, curCol);
void WellArray::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
switch (event->key()) { // Look at the key code
case Qt::Key_Left: // If 'left arrow'-key,
if (curCol > 0) // and cr't not in leftmost col
setCurrent(curRow, curCol - 1); // set cr't to next left column
case Qt::Key_Right: // Correspondingly...
if (curCol < numCols()-1)
setCurrent(curRow, curCol + 1);
case Qt::Key_Up:
if (curRow > 0)
setCurrent(curRow - 1, curCol);
case Qt::Key_Down:
if (curRow < numRows()-1)
setCurrent(curRow + 1, curCol);
case Qt::Key_Space:
setSelected(curRow, curCol);
default: // If not an interesting key,
event->ignore(); // we don't accept the event
} // namespace widgets
} // namespace pv