
82 lines
2.3 KiB

- git (only needed when building from git)
- A C++ compiler with C++11 support (-std=c++11 option), e.g.
- g++ (>= 4.8.1)
- clang++ (>= 3.3)
- make
- libtool (only needed when building from git)
- pkg-config >= 0.22
- cmake >= 2.8.12
- libglib >= 2.28.0
- glibmm-2.4 (>= 2.28.0)
- Qt5 (>= 5.3), including the following components:
- Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Svg,
Qt5LinguistTools (qttools5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools)
- Qt translation package (optional; needed at runtime, not build time)
- libboost >= 1.55 (including the following libs):
- libboost-system
- libboost-filesystem
- libboost-serialization
- libboost-test (optional, only needed to run the unit tests)
- libboost-stacktrace (optional, only needed for debugging)
- libsigrokcxx >= 0.5.2 (libsigrok C++ bindings)
- libsigrokdecode >= 0.5.2
- libsigrokandroidutils >= 0.1.0 (optional, only needed on Android)
- asciidoctor (optional, only needed to build the HTML manual)
- asciidoctor-pdf (optional, only needed to build the PDF manual)
Building and installing
In order to get the PulseView source code and build it, run:
$ git clone git://sigrok.org/pulseview
$ cd pulseview
$ cmake .
$ make
For installing PulseView:
$ make install
See the following wiki page for more (OS-specific) instructions:
Creating a source distribution package
In order to build a source package begin with an unconfigured source tree.
$ mkdir dist
$ cd dist
$ cmake ..
$ make package_source
Generating the manual
To generate the HTML manual, you only need Asciidoctor. If you also want
to generate the PDF manual, you need to install asciidoctor-pdf as well
and make it available for execution:
$ gem install --pre asciidoctor-pdf
$ export PATH=~/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:$PATH
Then, to build the PulseView manual, run:
$ make manual
Note: The stylesheet used is a lightly modified version of "Read The Docs"
from the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory: