if (APPLE AND KICAD_OSX_CODESIGN ) install( CODE " include( ${KICAD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/InstallSteps/SignMacOS.cmake ) # InstallMacOS.cmake pulls in all the dynamic dependencies of Python into the Python framework dir. # We don't want this because it makes signing fail, and they are not needed either. # I can't figure out how to keep it from happening, so for now, just clean them up message( STATUS \"Cleaning up Python.framework...\" ) file( GLOB _PYTHON_TO_REMOVE ${OSX_BUNDLE_INSTALL_LIB_DIR}/Python.framework/* ) file( REMOVE \${_PYTHON_TO_REMOVE} ) message( STATUS \"Signing bundles...\" ) sign_kicad_bundle( \"${OSX_BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR}\" \"\${KICAD_OSX_SIGNING_ID}\" \"\${KICAD_OSX_SIGNING_USE_SECURE_TIMESTAMP}\" \"\${KICAD_OSX_SIGNING_USE_HARDENED_RUNTIME}\" \"\${KICAD_OSX_SIGNING_ENTITLEMENTS_FILE}\" ) " COMPONENT Runtime ) endif()