Change pad solder masks to use rounded-corner clearances.

This assumes maximum registration errors are a vector, rather than
an amount in both x and y axes.  Lots more disucssion in the bug
report and on the forum (link in the bug report).

Also makes large changes to the painting of pads, but they now use
the same code as plotting, so if there are any changes then they
were errors before since plotting represents "truth".

Fixes: lp:1563744
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2019-06-20 23:37:41 +01:00
parent 5c89e4490e
commit e1d5cf1a87
2 changed files with 69 additions and 655 deletions

View File

@ -128,8 +128,6 @@ void MODULE::TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer, int aInflateValue, int aMaxError,
bool aSkipNPTHPadsWihNoCopper ) const
wxSize margin;
for( auto pad : m_pads )
if( aLayer != UNDEFINED_LAYER && !pad->IsOnLayer(aLayer) )
@ -159,26 +157,27 @@ void MODULE::TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
wxSize margin;
int clearance = aInflateValue;
switch( aLayer )
case F_Mask:
case B_Mask:
margin.x = margin.y = pad->GetSolderMaskMargin() + aInflateValue;
clearance += pad->GetSolderMaskMargin();
case F_Paste:
case B_Paste:
margin = pad->GetSolderPasteMargin();
margin.x += aInflateValue;
margin.y += aInflateValue;
clearance += ( margin.x + margin.y ) / 2;
margin.x = margin.y = aInflateValue;
pad->BuildPadShapePolygon( aCornerBuffer, margin );
pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, clearance );
@ -769,501 +768,6 @@ bool D_PAD::BuildPadDrillShapePolygon(
return true;
* Function CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon
* Add holes around a pad to create a thermal relief
* copper thickness is min (dx/2, aCopperWitdh) or min (dy/2, aCopperWitdh)
* @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
* @param aPad = the current pad used to create the thermal shape
* @param aThermalGap = gap in thermal shape
* @param aCopperThickness = stubs thickness in thermal shape
* @param aMinThicknessValue = min copper thickness allowed
* @param aError = maximum error allowed when approximating arcs
* @param aThermalRot = for rond pads the rotation of thermal stubs (450 usually for 45 deg.)
/* thermal reliefs are created as 4 polygons.
* each corner of a polygon if calculated for a pad at position 0, 0, orient 0,
* and then moved and rotated acroding to the pad position and orientation
* Note 1: polygons are drawm using outlines witk a thickness = aMinThicknessValue
* so shapes must take in account this outline thickness
* Note 2:
* Trapezoidal pads are not considered here because they are very special case
* and are used in microwave applications and they *DO NOT* have a thermal relief that
* change the shape by creating stubs and destroy their properties.
void CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
const D_PAD& aPad,
int aThermalGap,
int aCopperThickness,
int aMinThicknessValue,
int aError,
double aThermalRot )
wxPoint corner, corner_end;
wxSize copper_thickness;
wxPoint padShapePos = aPad.ShapePos(); // Note: for pad having a shape offset,
// the pad position is NOT the shape position
/* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
* aThermalGap must be increased by aMinThicknessValue/2 because drawing external outline
* with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will reduce gap by aMinThicknessValue/2
aThermalGap += aMinThicknessValue / 2;
/* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
* copper_thickness must be decreased by aMinThicknessValue because drawing outlines
* with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will increase real thickness by aMinThicknessValue
int dx = aPad.GetSize().x / 2;
int dy = aPad.GetSize().y / 2;
copper_thickness.x = std::min( aPad.GetSize().x, aCopperThickness ) - aMinThicknessValue;
copper_thickness.y = std::min( aPad.GetSize().y, aCopperThickness ) - aMinThicknessValue;
if( copper_thickness.x < 0 )
copper_thickness.x = 0;
if( copper_thickness.y < 0 )
copper_thickness.y = 0;
switch( aPad.GetShape() )
case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE: // Add 4 similar holes
/* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
* here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
* the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
* 4 ------ 1
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* 3 ------ 2
* holes 2, 3, 4 are the same as hole 1, rotated 90, 180, 270 deg
// Build the hole pattern, for the hole in the X >0, Y > 0 plane:
// The pattern roughtly is a 90 deg arc pie
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer;
int numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( dx + aThermalGap, aError, 360.0 ),
8 );
double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
double delta = 3600.0 / numSegs;
// Radius of outer arcs of the shape corrected for arc approximation by lines
int outer_radius = KiROUND( ( dx + aThermalGap ) * correction );
// Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( copper_thickness.x / 2, copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );
// Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
// and first seg of arc approx
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
int y = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) y * y - (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );
if( aThermalRot != 0 )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// calculate the starting point of the outter arc
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
( (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );
RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees is the spoke fillet size
// calculate the ending point of the outer arc
corner_end.x = corner.y;
corner_end.y = corner.x;
// calculate intermediate points (y coordinate from corner.y to corner_end.y
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end );
/* add an intermediate point, to avoid angles < 90 deg between last arc approx line
* and radius line
corner.x = corners_buffer[1].y;
corner.y = corners_buffer[1].x;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Now, add the 4 holes ( each is the pattern, rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270 deg
// aThermalRot = 450 (45.0 degrees orientation) work fine.
double angle_pad = aPad.GetOrientation(); // Pad orientation
double th_angle = aThermalRot;
for( unsigned ihole = 0; ihole < 4; ihole++ )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < corners_buffer.size(); ii++ )
corner = corners_buffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &corner, th_angle + angle_pad ); // Rotate by segment angle and pad orientation
corner += padShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( corner.x, corner.y );
th_angle += 900; // Note: th_angle in in 0.1 deg.
// Oval pad support along the lines of round and rectangular pads
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer; // Polygon buffer as vector
dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius x
dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius y
wxPoint shape_offset;
// We want to calculate an oval shape with dx > dy.
// if this is not the case, exchange dx and dy, and rotate the shape 90 deg.
int supp_angle = 0;
if( dx < dy )
std::swap( dx, dy );
supp_angle = 900;
std::swap( copper_thickness.x, copper_thickness.y );
int deltasize = dx - dy; // = distance between shape position and the 2 demi-circle ends centre
// here we have dx > dy
// Radius of outer arcs of the shape:
int outer_radius = dy; // The radius of the outer arc is radius end + aThermalGap
int numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( outer_radius, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
double delta = 3600.0 / numSegs;
// Some coordinate fiddling, depending on the shape offset direction
shape_offset = wxPoint( deltasize, 0 );
// Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Arc start point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
// If copper thickness is more than shape offset, we need to calculate arc intercept point.
if( copper_thickness.x > deltasize )
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
( (double) ( corner.x - delta ) * ( corner.x - deltasize ) ) ) );
corner.x -= deltasize;
/* creates an intermediate point, to have a > 90 deg angle
* between the side and the first segment of arc approximation
wxPoint intpoint = corner;
intpoint.y -= aThermalGap / 4;
corners_buffer.push_back( intpoint + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = outer_radius;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
// and first seg of arc approx
wxPoint last_corner;
last_corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
int px = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
last_corner.x =
KiROUND( sqrt( ( ( (double) px * px ) - (double) last_corner.y * last_corner.y ) ) );
// Arc stop point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
corner_end.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
corner_end.x =
KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius *
outer_radius ) - ( (double) corner_end.y * corner_end.y ) ) );
RotatePoint( &corner_end, -90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet
// calculate intermediate arc points till limit is reached
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
//corners_buffer.push_back(corner + shape_offset); // TODO: about one mil geometry error forms somewhere.
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end + shape_offset );
corners_buffer.push_back( last_corner + shape_offset ); // Enabling the line above shows intersection point.
/* Create 2 holes, rotated by pad rotation.
double angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += padShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 ); // this is calculate hole 3
// Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
swap.x = -swap.x;
corners_buffer[ic] = swap;
// Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += padShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );
case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT: // thermal shape is the same for rectangular shapes.
/* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
* here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
* the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
* 1 ------ 4
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* 2 ------ 3
* hole 3 is the same as hole 1, rotated 180 deg
* hole 4 is the same as hole 2, rotated 180 deg and is the same as hole 1, mirrored
// First, create a rectangular hole for position 1 :
// 2 ------- 3
// | |
// | |
// | |
// 1 -------4
// Modified rectangles with one corner rounded. TODO: merging with oval thermals
// and possibly round too.
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer; // Polygon buffer as vector
dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius x
dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius y
// calculation is optimized for pad shape with dy >= dx (vertical rectangle).
// if it is not the case, just rotate this shape 90 degrees:
double angle = aPad.GetOrientation();
wxPoint corner_origin_pos( -aPad.GetSize().x / 2, -aPad.GetSize().y / 2 );
if( dy < dx )
std::swap( dx, dy );
std::swap( copper_thickness.x, copper_thickness.y );
std::swap( corner_origin_pos.x, corner_origin_pos.y );
angle += 900.0;
// Now calculate the hole pattern in position 1 ( top left pad corner )
// The first point of polygon buffer is left lower corner, second the crosspoint of
// thermal spoke sides, the third is upper right corner and the rest are rounding
// vertices going anticlockwise. Note the inverted Y-axis in corners_buffer y coordinates.
wxPoint arc_end_point( -dx, -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.y / 2) );
corners_buffer.push_back( arc_end_point ); // Adds small miters to zone
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -(dx - aThermalGap / 4), -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) ); // fill and spoke corner
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -(dy - aThermalGap / 4) ) );
// The first point to build the rounded corner:
wxPoint arc_start_point( -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.x / 2) , -dy );
corners_buffer.push_back( arc_start_point );
int numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( aThermalGap, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
int rounding_radius = KiROUND( aThermalGap * correction ); // Corner rounding radius
// Calculate arc angle parameters.
// the start angle id near 900 decidegrees, the final angle is near 1800.0 decidegrees.
double arc_increment = 3600.0 / numSegs;
// the arc_angle_start is 900.0 or slighly more, depending on the actual arc starting point
double arc_angle_start = atan2( -arc_start_point.y -corner_origin_pos.y, arc_start_point.x - corner_origin_pos.x ) * 1800/M_PI;
if( arc_angle_start < 900.0 )
arc_angle_start = 900.0;
bool first_point = true;
for( double curr_angle = arc_angle_start; ; curr_angle += arc_increment )
wxPoint corner_position = wxPoint( rounding_radius, 0 );
RotatePoint( &corner_position, curr_angle ); // Rounding vector rotation
corner_position += corner_origin_pos; // Rounding vector + Pad corner offset
// The arc angle is <= 90 degrees, therefore the arc is finished if the x coordinate
// decrease or the y coordinate is smaller than the y end point
if( !first_point &&
( corner_position.x >= corners_buffer.back().x || corner_position.y > arc_end_point.y ) )
first_point = false;
// Note: for hole in position 1, arc x coordinate is always < x starting point
// and arc y coordinate is always <= y ending point
if( corner_position != corners_buffer.back() // avoid duplicate corners.
&& corner_position.x <= arc_start_point.x ) // skip current point at the right of the starting point
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_position );
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle ); // Rotate according to module orientation
cpos += padShapePos; // Shift origin to position
aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 ); // this is calculate hole 3
// Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
swap.x = -swap.x;
corners_buffer[ic] = swap;
// Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += padShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );
SHAPE_POLY_SET antipad; // The full antipad area
// We need a length to build the stubs of the thermal reliefs
// the value is not very important. The pad bounding box gives a reasonable value
EDA_RECT bbox = aPad.GetBoundingBox();
int stub_len = std::max( bbox.GetWidth(), bbox.GetHeight() );
aPad.TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( antipad, aThermalGap );
SHAPE_POLY_SET stub; // A basic stub ( a rectangle)
SHAPE_POLY_SET stubs; // the full stubs shape
// We now substract the stubs (connections to the copper zone)
//ClipperLib::Clipper clip_engine;
// Prepare a clipping transform
//clip_engine.AddPath( antipad, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
// Create stubs and add them to clipper engine
wxPoint stubBuffer[4];
stubBuffer[0].x = stub_len;
stubBuffer[0].y = copper_thickness.y/2;
stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
stubBuffer[1].y = -copper_thickness.y/2;
stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
stubBuffer[2].x = -stub_len;
stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
stubBuffer[3].y = copper_thickness.y/2;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
cpos += padShapePos;
stub.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
stubs.Append( stub );
stubBuffer[0].y = stub_len;
stubBuffer[0].x = copper_thickness.x/2;
stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
stubBuffer[1].x = -copper_thickness.x/2;
stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
stubBuffer[2].y = -stub_len;
stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
stubBuffer[3].x = copper_thickness.x/2;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
cpos += padShapePos;
stub.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );
stubs.Append( stub );
stubs.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
antipad.BooleanSubtract( stubs, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
aCornerBuffer.Append( antipad );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer, int aClearanceValue, int aError, bool ignoreLineWidth ) const

View File

@ -732,180 +732,90 @@ void PCB_PAINTER::draw( const D_PAD* aPad, int aLayer )
m_gal->SetFillColor( color );
m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetPosition() ) );
m_gal->Rotate( -aPad->GetOrientationRadians() );
int custom_margin = 0; // a clearance/margin for custom shape, for solder paste/mask
// Choose drawing settings depending on if we are drawing a pad itself or a hole
m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetPosition() ) );
m_gal->Rotate( -aPad->GetOrientationRadians() );
// Drawing hole: has same shape as PAD_CIRCLE or PAD_OVAL
size = getDrillSize( aPad ) / 2.0;
else if( aLayer == F_Mask || aLayer == B_Mask )
// Drawing soldermask
int soldermaskMargin = aPad->GetSolderMaskMargin();
custom_margin = soldermaskMargin;
m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
size = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x / 2.0 + soldermaskMargin,
aPad->GetSize().y / 2.0 + soldermaskMargin );
shape = aPad->GetShape();
else if( aLayer == F_Paste || aLayer == B_Paste )
// Drawing solderpaste
wxSize solderpasteMargin = aPad->GetSolderPasteMargin();
// try to find a clearance which can be used for custom shapes
custom_margin = solderpasteMargin.x;
if( getDrillShape( aPad ) == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG )
if( size.y >= size.x )
m = ( size.y - size.x );
n = size.x;
m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
size = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x / 2.0 + solderpasteMargin.x,
aPad->GetSize().y / 2.0 + solderpasteMargin.y );
shape = aPad->GetShape();
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, -m ), n, -M_PI, 0 );
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, m ), n, M_PI, 0 );
if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[LAYER_PADS_TH] )
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( -n, m ) );
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( n, -m ), VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
m = ( size.x - size.y );
n = size.y;
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( -m, 0 ), n, M_PI / 2, 3 * M_PI / 2 );
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( m, 0 ), n, M_PI / 2, -M_PI / 2 );
if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[LAYER_PADS_TH] )
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, -n ) );
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, n ), VECTOR2D( m, n ) );
m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, n ) );
m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( 0.0, 0.0 ), size.x );
// Drawing every kind of pad
m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
size = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize() ) / 2.0;
shape = aPad->GetShape();
switch( shape )
if( size.y >= size.x )
m = ( size.y - size.x );
n = size.x;
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, -m ), n, -M_PI, 0 );
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, m ), n, M_PI, 0 );
if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[LAYER_PADS_TH] )
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( -n, m ) );
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( n, -m ), VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
m = ( size.x - size.y );
n = size.y;
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( -m, 0 ), n, M_PI / 2, 3 * M_PI / 2 );
m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( m, 0 ), n, M_PI / 2, -M_PI / 2 );
if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[LAYER_PADS_TH] )
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, -n ) );
m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, n ), VECTOR2D( m, n ) );
m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, n ) );
m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -size.x, -size.y ), VECTOR2D( size.x, size.y ) );
wxSize prsize( size.x * 2, size.y * 2 ); // size is the half pad area size)
const int corner_radius = aPad->GetRoundRectCornerRadius( prsize );
bool doChamfer = shape == PAD_SHAPE_CHAMFERED_RECT;
auto board = aPad->GetBoard();
int maxError = ARC_HIGH_DEF;
wxSize margin;
int clearance = 0;
if( board )
maxError = board->GetDesignSettings().m_MaxError;
TransformRoundChamferedRectToPolygon( polySet, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), prsize,
0.0, corner_radius, aPad->GetChamferRectRatio(),
doChamfer ? aPad->GetChamferPositions() : 0, maxError );
m_gal->DrawPolygon( polySet );
{ // Draw the complex custom shape
// Use solder[Paste/Mask]size or pad size to build pad shape
// however, solder[Paste/Mask] size has no actual meaning for a
// custom shape, because it is a set of basic shapes
// We use the custom_margin (good for solder mask, but approximative
// for solder paste).
if( custom_margin )
switch( aLayer )
auto board = aPad->GetBoard();
int maxError = ARC_HIGH_DEF;
case F_Mask:
case B_Mask:
clearance += aPad->GetSolderMaskMargin();
if( board )
maxError = board->GetDesignSettings().m_MaxError;
case F_Paste:
case B_Paste:
margin = aPad->GetSolderPasteMargin();
clearance += ( margin.x + margin.y ) / 2;
outline.Append( aPad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
// outline polygon can have holes linked to the main outline.
// So use InflateWithLinkedHoles(), not Inflate() that can create
// bad shapes if custom_margin is < 0
int numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( custom_margin, maxError, 360.0 ), 6 );
outline.InflateWithLinkedHoles( custom_margin, numSegs, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
m_gal->DrawPolygon( outline );
// Draw the polygon: only one polygon is expected
// However we provide a multi polygon shape drawing
// ( for the future or to show even an incorrect shape
m_gal->DrawPolygon( aPad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
std::deque<VECTOR2D> pointList;
wxPoint corners[4];
VECTOR2D padSize = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x, aPad->GetSize().y ) / 2;
VECTOR2D deltaPadSize = size - padSize; // = solder[Paste/Mask]Margin or 0
aPad->BuildPadPolygon( corners, wxSize( deltaPadSize.x, deltaPadSize.y ), 0.0 );
polySet.Append( VECTOR2I( corners[0] ) );
polySet.Append( VECTOR2I( corners[1] ) );
polySet.Append( VECTOR2I( corners[2] ) );
polySet.Append( VECTOR2I( corners[3] ) );
aPad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( polySet, clearance );
m_gal->DrawPolygon( polySet );
m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( 0.0, 0.0 ), size.x );
// Clearance lines
// It has to be called after GAL::Restore() as TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon()
// returns already transformed coordinates
constexpr int clearanceFlags = PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS::CL_PADS;
if( ( m_pcbSettings.m_clearance & clearanceFlags ) == clearanceFlags
&& ( aLayer == LAYER_PAD_FR