Circuit IR Compilers and Tools
Updated 2024-09-20 07:17:02 +08:00
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.
Updated 2024-09-20 02:52:14 +08:00
A modern formatting library
Updated 2024-09-20 01:49:11 +08:00
Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
Updated 2024-09-19 23:24:35 +08:00
Mold: A Modern Linker 🦠
Updated 2024-09-19 16:32:46 +08:00
a small build system with a focus on speed
Updated 2024-09-19 14:12:34 +08:00
fmtlog is a performant fmtlib-style logging library with latency in nanoseconds.
Updated 2024-05-31 16:32:23 +08:00